Pebble Haus

We are a young collective of interdisciplinary creatives, practicing across the fields of fine art, architecture, graphic design and photography.

We love learning. Much like Gestalt Theory, we find that together we are more than the whole sum of our skills and ways of thinking. That way, we avoid tunnel vision. 

We pick things apart for fun. We want to understand the present manifestations of our past as communities; we explore ideas of nomadism, identity, culture, and experience, as well as ideas of beauty, imperfection and its impacts on our senses and our experience.

Being a multi-media collective, our work is embodied by the shape most appropriate to express our ideas and creative impulses at the time, always seeking the off-road, alternative way of solving problems.

Put simply, we like to create experiences; to bridge artistic expression, conceptual thinking, and design problem-solving.

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Who are we?

See our work.


Pebble Haus founders Jerry Florez Vasquez, Dominika Pilch and Andrés Panduro sitting on Sobremesa, a winning Jesmonite and coffee bench designed for London Festival of Architecture competition at the Royal Exchange, Bank